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Mini água micelar formato viagem
Mini Fresh Green Micellar Water
Queres limpar o teu rosto de forma rápida, confortável e delicada para a tua pele? A água micelar Fresh Green Micellar Water vai marcar um antes e um depois na tua rotina facial! Com uma base aquosa, a sua fórmula retira as impurezas e resíduos de maquilhagem que existam no teu rosto, deixando uma pele limpa e suave e sempre com o máximo respeito pela barreira cutânea. Vais adorar o seu perfume de maçã!
- Limpa e desmaquilha o rosto
- Retira impurezas e restos de maquilhagem
- Contém água vegetal ecológica de maçã verde
- Reduz a inflamação, o stress cutâneo e as vermelhidões
- Tamanho de viagem 50ml
- Ideal para viajar
✨Perfume natural. Deixa-te seduzir pelo seu aroma a maçã, fresco e revitalizante!
✨Para suas viagens, para dar como prenda e para sua pele! Pequeno em tamanho, mas os benefícios são enormes!
50 ml | Embalagem de vidro |Testado dermatologicamente e indicado para peles sensíveis | Adequado para mulheres grávidas e a amamentar
Mini Fresh Green Micellar Water: 10.42€/100ml
Podes incluir este produto, tanto na tua rotina de dia como na tua rotina da noite, ou inclusive em ambas, para obteres ainda melhores resultados.
Agita o produto antes de o utilizar para que os ingredientes naturais se misturem bem.
Limpa o rosto de manhã, aplicando algumas gotas de água micelar num disco de algodão e passa sobre todo o rosto em movimentos circulares.
À noite, é necessária uma limpeza mais profunda, especialmente se estiveres a usar maquilhagem. Mais uma vez, deita algumas gotas de água micelar sobre o disco de algodão e coloca sobre os teus olhos. Deixa na pálpebra durante alguns segundos para remover a maquilhagem, depois passa para os lábios e o resto do rosto.
DICA! Não esquecer de passar o disco de algodão embebido em água micelar também no pescoço para remover quaisquer vestígios de maquilhagem e impurezas.
BALANCE PLANT COMPLEXControla a secreção sebácea
ALOÉ VERA ORGÂNICOHidratante, regenerante e antibacteriano
ÁGUA VEGETAL DE MAÇÃ VERDEEfeito bioestimulante
GINKGO BILOBAElevada concentração de flavonoides e terpenos.
AGASTACHE MEXICANAAtividade anti-inflamatória
PEPINOHidrata e repara
*Ingredientes da agricultura biológica
**Derivados de óleos essenciais naturais
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder* , Pyrus Malus Juice , Propanediol , Aqua , Glycerin , Agastache Mexicana Flower / Leaf / Stem Extract , Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract* , Cucumis Sativus Fruit Extract , Arctium Majus Root Extract , Citrus Limon Peel Extract , Fucus Vesiculosus Extract , Hedera Helix Leaf Extract , Nasturtium Officinale Extract , Salvia Officinalis Leaf Extract , Saponaria Officinalis Leaf/Root Extract , Dehydroacetic Acid , Glyceryl Caprylate , Caprylyl / Capryl Glucoside , p-Anisic Acid , Benzyl Alcohol , Parfum , Levulinic Acid , Sodium Levulinate , Arginine , Potassium Sorbate , Sodium Benzoate , Limonene**

Obtención: El aloe vera es una planta perenne que se cultiva en sitios muy calurosos. El gel que contiene la planta se usa como remedios para la piel. Este gel actúa creando un manto protector y refrescante que proporciona y retiene la humedad.
Beneficios: Su poder astringente, hidratante, regenerante, renovador, rejuvenecedor y antibacteriano ayuda a lucir una piel revitalizada e impecable. Ofrece una limpieza profunda de la piel desde sus capas más profundas, lo que favorece la desobstrucción de los poros y la eliminación de toxinas y suciedad que causa el mal funcionamiento de la dermis. Esta especialmente indicado para pieles secas y agrietadas. Por otra parte, también fortalece el cabello y restaura el brillo, ayuda a eliminar la caspa y las costras del cuero cabelludo.

Extraction: Apple is a refreshing and hydrating fruit because of its high water content. It has antioxidant properties.
Benefits: The apple stands out for its high content in both malic acid and tartaric acid. These two acids improve the natural removal of dead skin cells. In skin care, the apple helps to improve circulation and nourish the skin, regulates pH and prevents black heads.

Extraction: Propanediol is a 100% natural ingredient approved by Ecocert obtained from sugar cane. It is the perfect natural and biodegradable alternative to glycols which are obtained from petroleum.
Benefits: It is used in cosmetics as a moisturizing agent, emollient and solvent. Its sensory properties on the skin are excellent and reduce irritations.

Extraction: Water is present in most cosmetic products and represents the most important raw material. In the cosmetic industry, water is purified by a process that eliminates any solid particle that the water may contain in order to achieve a greater degree of purity and water quality.
Benefits: In addition to moisturizing, it improves the effect of other active principles, providing smoothness and delaying the premature aging of the skin.

Extraction: Obtained from plants by fat hydrolysis and sugar fermentation. Glycerol is found in its natural form in our skin and it is considered an auto-repair compound.
Benefits: It is one of the many substances in the skin that help to keep the external barrier and prevent dryness and scaling. Its application provides a more nourished skin and it works on the face as an acne treatment. It also eliminates grease buildup and improves the appearance of the hair.

Extraction: Medicinal plant cultivated in Mexico, best known in the region as Toronjil Morado. Mexican Agastache is produced in a project that defends fair and sustainable commerce. Mexican Agastache’s production offers daily occupation to local women in the fields. Its production allows its extracts to be used in cosmetics pushing social development and investigation. In Mexican culture, Toronjil has been traditionally used in food and as a medicinal plant to treat scares, nerves and depression.
Benefits: Agastache is characterized by being rich in acacetin and tilianine, flavonoids with remarkable anti-inflammatory activity, which avoid the effects on the skin of psychological stress. It diminishes cell inflammation.

Extraction: Gingko or the forty shields tree is a unique tree in the world because it has no living relatives. The Gingko Biloba species is one of the best living fossil examples. Its extract is obtained from the leaves which are very rich in flavonoids. It has been used for millenniums in Chinese traditional medicine in order to stimulate central and peripheral blood flow.
Benefits: Its high concentration of flavonoids and terpenes makes it an especially interesting ingredient to reduce skin inflammation and fight oxidative stress produced by free radicals.

Extraction: the cucumbers production is very usual during spring and summer. It is obtained from the Cucumis Savitus plant of the Cucurbitaceae family and it is used in cosmetics for its high hydrating powers.
Benefits: Cucumber’s ultrahigh content in water combined with vitamin E and natural oils make it an excellent ingredient to repair, moisturize and provide vitality to our skin. Another of the most remarkable benefits provided by cucumber to the skin is that it is ideal for rejuvenating and attenuating wrinkles. This is because its vitamins A, C, and E have antioxidant properties that help slow the aging of the skin and increase the production of collagen and elastin, the substances responsible for keeping the skin young and full of life. Cucumber is very frequently used in creams and skin masks.

Extraction: It is a biannual plant of red spiny flowers that is easily found in the European continent. From this plant, leaves, root and seeds are used both in natural medicine and in cosmetics.
Benefits: The most widespread use of Burdock is as depurative and detoxifying agent. It is used in dermatological treatments for conditions such as psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, eczemas, herpes and eruptive skin diseases. It decongests, deflames, heals damaged skin and is a good treatment against hair loss.

Extraction: Having pale yellow color and juicy pulp, this citric fruit is very rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and essential oils.
Benefits: It is absorbent, astringent, provides perfume, antioxidant action and helps to eliminate excess grease on the skin. There are multiple benefits of lemon for the skin, it helps to reduce blemishes, cures acne and gives it shine.

Extraction: Fucus algae is a seaweed that can be found in most of the world coasts. This algae is rich in polysaccharides and polyphenols (natural antioxidants). It is widely used in cosmetics because of its richness in trace elements and minerals such as iodine, iron and calcium.
Benefits: It is an essential ingredient for firming treatments since it decreases the thickness of the skin, increases its elasticity and stimulates microcirculation. It nourishes the skin against dryness and liquid retention.

Obtención: La hiedra es una planta trepadora de la familia Araliaceae. El extracto de sus hojas se utiliza desde la antigüedad como remedio para distintas afecciones relacionadas con las vías respiratorias.
Beneficios: Entre sus componentes activos se encuetran los sapnósidos triterpénicos. Se caracterizan por sus propiedades antimicrobianas y astringentes. Proporciona un buen condicionamiento de la piel, calmándola y tonificándola.

Obtención: El berro es una planta perenne, común en arroyos, torrentes y pantanos. Es originaria de Europa y Asia Central, aunque actualmente está muy extendida. Es considerado uno de los vegetales más antiguos consumidos por el ser humano.
Beneficios: Destaca por su contenido en minerales y vitaminas. Su principal activo es un glucósido. Es un eficaz diurético y también contribuye en la prevención de la caída del cabello. Su jugo es un gran aliado para pieles grasas, estimulando el cuero cabelludo y combatiendo la dermatitis seborreica.

Obtención: El extracto de la hoja de Salvia es muy utilizado en cosmética. Conocido por su aroma, tiene un gran efecto refrescante y calmante.
Beneficios: Está constituída principalmente por triterpenos pentacíclicos, flavonoides, ácido rosmarínico y carnosol. Es un gran antiséptico y antioxidante. Es ideal para la piel madura y desvitalizada, así como para el tratamiento de distintas afecciones del cabello y el cuero cabelludo.

Obtención: Es una planta herbácea perenne perteneciente a la familia Caryophyllaceae, nativa de Europa central y meridional.
Beneficios: Posee un elevado contenido de saponinas. Tiene importantes efectos aniinflamatorios, descongestionantes y seborreguladores. Es muy recomendable para tratar pieles grasas y con impurezas.

Extraction: Dehydroacetic acid is a mild preservative widely used in cosmetics.
Benefits: Its function is to prevent the growth and reproduction of microorganisms protecting cosmetics and personal care products from deterioration.


Extraction: It is a solubilizer and non-ionic surfactant that is obtained from raw materials of vegetable origin.
Benefits: It is a mild and skin friendly ingredient that allows you to obtain the desired foam in cosmetic products.

Obtención: este ingrediente se encuentra de forma natural en el anís. Por lo tanto, su origen es 100 % vegetal.
Beneficios: Se trata de un innovador conservante natural, actúa como agente aromatizante, conservante y enmascarante de aromas.

Extraction: Benzyl alcohol is a mild water-based preservative widely used in cosmetics. It is a preservative approved by EcoCert certifier.
Benefits: It prevents the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, protecting cosmetics and personal care products from deterioration.

Extraction: It is a perfect combination of different natural ingredients, being green apple the most in concentration. Besides apple, it contains orange, plum and pear in the exit; violet and green apple in the core; and, finally, peach, vanilla and brown sugar in the depths.
Benefits: Its aroma is very refreshing, just like freshly cut green apple, being both smooth and pure, which is why it is not heavy nor it gets tiring. It will add energy combined with the lime perfume of the Purifying Facial Toner.

Obtención: El Levulinic Acid es un conservante de origen 100% natural obtenido de la degradación de la celulosa.
Beneficios: Es un conservante suave que ha demostrado controlar las colonias de microorganismos sin alterar la integridad, color ni pH de los otros ingredientes que incluye el producto. Tiene muy buenas propiedades antibacterianas.

Extraction: Sodium Levulinate is a 100% natural preservative obtained from starch and vegetal inulin.
Benefits: It is a gentle preservative proved to be able to control microorganism colonies without altering the integrity, colour or pH of other ingredients included in the final product. It is especially used in the preservation of fresh ingredients.

Obtención: La arginina es un aminoácido obtenido por biofermentación. Es uno de los componentes principales de la keratina del cabello y actua como fuente de nitrógeno para el correcto funcionamiento celular, generando un efecto vasodilatador que mejora la circulación.
Beneficios: Es conocida por su eficacia combatiendo la caída del cabello. Se utiliza en muchas fórmulas como estabilizante natural, mucho más seguro que los agentes alcalinos convencionales. Es biodegradable.

Extraction: It is the salt of sorbic acid. Sorbic acid is naturally produced as para-sorbic acid in mountain ash berries, Sorbus Aucuparia, Rosaceae.
Benefits: It protects cosmetics from deterioration by preventing or delaying the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.

Extraction: It is a salt of benzoic acid.
Benefits: It is used as a preservative to allow the preservation of cosmetics. It is especially used to provide protection against the growth of fungi.

Extraction: It is an ingredient of natural origin found in many citrus fruits. Limonene is a colorless liquid with a light, fresh and sweet citrus aroma.
Benefits: It is widely used to make fragrances and flavors.